The Thankful Parrot
A man named Jack received a parrot as a gift. The parrot had a bad attitude and an even worse and limited vocabulary. Every word out of the bird's mouth was rude, obnoxious and laced with profanity.
As he was experienced with birds, Jack tried and tried to change the bird's attitude by consistently saying only polite words, playing soft music and anything else he could think of to "clean up" the bird's vocabulary.
Finally, Jack was fed up and he yelled at the parrot. The parrot yelled back. Jack shook the parrot and the parrot got angrier and even ruder. Jack, in desperation, threw up his hands, grabbed the bird and put him in the freezer.
For a few minutes the parrot squawked and kicked and screamed. Then suddenly there was total quiet. Not a peep was heard for over a minute.
Fearing that he'd hurt the parrot, Jack quickly opened the door to the freezer. The parrot calmly stepped out onto Jack’s outstretched arms and said,
"I believe I may have offended you with my rude language and even cruder actions. I'm sincerely remorseful for my inappropriate transgressions and I fully intend to do everything I can to correct my disrespectful and unforgivable behavior."
Jack was stunned at the change in the bird's attitude and vocabulary. As he was about to ask the parrot what had made such a dramatic change in his behavior, the bird continued, "May I ask what the turkey did?”
Monday, November 24, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Is it finally time to buy?
Is it finally time to get off the fence and buy?
Your North Carolina Broker
Sonja Babic
Friday, November 7, 2008
10 Homes Open for you in River Bend
Sat 11/08/2008 from 10 AM to 1 PM

151 Quarterdeck New Bern RIVER BEND $116,900
302 Carriage House Court New Bern RIVER BEND $159,900
904 Plantation Dr. New Bern RIVER BEND $179,900
287 Shoreline River Bend RIVER BEND $200,000
119 Randomwood Lane New Bern RIVER BEND $249,000
110 SAILORS CT. New Bern RIVER BEND $279,900
437 Gatewood Dr. New Bern RIVER BEND $284,876
103 Captains Cove New Bern RIVER BEND $300,000
106 Teakwood Dr. New Bern RIVER BEND $239,000
316 Shoreline Drive New Bern RIVER BEND $334,900
Beware of financial scams!
If you or someone you know are facing foreclosure please beware of all kind of scams that are out there. In the times like we are experiencing today financial scams are becoming more and more sophisticated and it is getting really hard to distinguish them from legitimate offers any more. Facing something as emotional and dramatic as foreclosure doesn’t help you see through some off the offers out there.
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