North Carolina is a state that has so much to offer and recently is being named best place to retire by several notional broadcasts as well as publications. All of that is ultimately leading to a rapid growth and development. Recant Phase II of coastal storm water regulation was applied to three most rapidly growing counties and now we are facing entirely new set of rules that will be applied to all 20 coastal counties. Unless stopped by legislature act it will become active August 1st 2008. The new rules as recommending many changes that will directly affect property owners trough out North Carolina and make any further development very difficult. Please take a time to read new rules and vice your opinion. Visit www.NCStorwaters.com where you can read copy of the new rules as well as get names and addresses of your state representatives.
We all want to keep our beautiful state and water ways that we are so proud of as clean as

If you are agent in coastal North Carolina make sure to disclose this info to your current clients as this will affect value as well as potential use of lots of parcels that are listed for sale right now. We had company attorney draft a disclaimer form for potential buyers, and get a copy of the new rules for your sellers.
Please take a time to voice your opinion!
Your North Carolina Broker
Sonja Babic
Sonja Babic with Prudential Clear Water Realty is your New Bern and North Carolina Real Estate Broker! Looking for waterfront, historic or golf? We have it all! Conveniently located and with so much to offer New Bern is a great place to work, play and retire!
Please contact me for more information's or to request your FREE info pack!
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